воскресенье, 25 августа 2013 г.

Hi! I would like to share with you their profiles KPA. I was profiling amplifier peavey 6505 with cabinet Mesa Oversized 4x12. To create profiles used microphone shure sm57, and shure beta 57, shure beta 56, Beyerdynamic M 69 as additional microphones. Also, in some profiles have been used stomp boxes Maxon Maxon 808 and 820 in front of amplifier.
Listen to audio examples of profiles:

no post processing was not used in the examples.
Link to download the profiles
Also available the following equipment for profiling:
Amps: Rivera Knucklehead, Peavey 5150 II, Engl Powerball, Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier, Framus Cobra.
Guitar cabinets: Framus Cobra Cabinet 4x12 Celestion Greenback 25, Framus Dragon 4x12 Vintage30
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